client features

You are here! 

Great, now that we got that out of the way, it’s all good! In this area, we will outline a lot of the client features we have to offer. Now, believe it, or not every one of our clients is the same! Yes, the same! Some have been around for over 65 years, and others are just now launching a new idea that may change people’s lives as we know it. But they all have the same thing in common, at the end of the day you want and need people to give you money for what you do, so do we. 

We are glad you’re here. So by now, we know your name and your business and a bunch of other spooky things, but this section is not open to the public but just our clients or potential clients to review. 

We are also working on a web contact manager integration, I know it is not a cool name yet, but we will develop one. Here are some of the choices, M-Report, “Minority Report, great movie. Big-Brother Integration was a big fan of early Big Brother. But I like this one, and it may stick SSIW, “Super Scary Integrated Websites.” What do you think? With a ton of excellent tools all designed to help you close and do more business.

Below are some of our “Client Features,” these are all in our skill-set and applied currently or in the past with clients, all designed to help each of them. You can always email us to find out more or get a live presentation on any feature and how it can work for you. So if you are still here, read on below, and “thank you for your time.”

It's all about making everything work together.

From the start the funnel is the same, introduce your message to the right audience, the right amount of times, so they can make the right decision. We have a ton of tools all designed to do just that, convert more customers.

Is this really important?

ADA Compliant?

We have developed custom programming to make our client’s website ADA compliant. Some of you know IAGM works closely with Achilles International and now Shifting Gears United, especially nine-time World Champion and two-time Olympian Jacqui Woods Kapiowski; she is incredible! This is important and will be required one day; we have embraced this need and opened the world a bit more to our able athletes and users. Ask Scott via email here; see him in this image; he has a yellow jersey.

everything you need at the start


Our clients can experience their own custom Dashboard with all their marketing, sales tracking in one place. Dashboard LaunchPad

 is standard with all of our client’s in their tool kits. Knowing what is working and what is not is super relevant today. Our system can track an unlimited amount of campaigns, contacts, opportunities, tasks, and much more.


LaunchPad is the customizable one screen that gives you a powerful snap-shot of what is happening in real-time. All features are customizable and relevant to what you want or need to see. Not sure how this works? Email Scott to get a test drive.


Website Design

We develop top website designs, all focused on user ability.
With Joomla, WordPress, Magento, Open Source Integrations as well.

Digital Marketing

There are hundreds of ways to burn through your digital ad dollars. We concentrate on AFTER the click. To make sure your digital dollars are in the right place.

Creative Design

This is an open-ended and never-ending channel for us. If you or we can think about it, there is an excellent chance we can do it or get it done. ​

Media Planning & Placement

Every media plan and budget differs, but we work with a single market media plan to a National or International plan, all tracked to measure real ROI. ​

Video Production & Development

Yes, we got a Drone! Plus about 50 other super cool cameras, and we can go almost anywhere and capture the shot or create it. The only thing that holds us back sometimes is the weather.

Consulting and Training

Who can you talk to? We don't work for you; we work with you. Who can train you and your team? We can, and Scott is always ready to offer an unbiased response to keep his job and the team employed; really, your still here? Awesome! ​

now available

Sales Dialer & Optimizer

If your team makes sales calls or you need to contact your clients regularly, this tool is super-efficient. On-click dialing, call recording, and searchable transcriptions empower you to fine-tune your entire outbound calling strategy. A potent tool that is is expandable to any size. Email Scott for a test drive. 

Automate the creation of opportunities, tasks, and actions based on opportunity pipeline stages. This new feature can expand as much as you can imagine.

Working Now and improving

Task Manager

Fueled by our software partners and the rapid task management system is now even better. We are preparing to launch the “auto-create” tasks and auto-completed existing ones, and this is going to be very cool—email Scott for a test drive.

New feature using Automation

Chat anyone?

You can create and launch your ChatBot in literally minutes. An entire generation is moving into the buying cycle, and “chat” is what they grew up using. We found that if you embrace this tool, it opens an entirely new audience segment.

It takes about 5 minute’s in 5 easy steps to get it set up. Then the tricky part start. How do you anticipate the questions? The set up is easy, but the build-out can be overwhelming, this beta is still in action, but as we learn more, the better we all get.

Get Ready!

As we strive each day to have all the tools that our clients need to grow their businesses effectively, we are also working on the development, and you could say “prearranging” for what you or they may need.

Marketing Automation

Our Marketing Automation System is state of the art and is continuously developing for each step in closing and growing business today.

Creative Marketing

When is the Creative Edge critical? We like to think every day; it is never too much you can do to create and think in and out of the box.

Digital Advantages

The Digital World is running at light speed; what worked yesterday or last year is now in a new direction and a new flow. We are always making sure our processes are proven and worth our client’s time and money.

we are expanding

Visual Form Styler

We have a super-powerful form system already in place, and it works outstanding! But we are working with our development team to make it even better. You can create code-free forms with the overhaul to the forms experience. Build a CTA library and form templates designed for maximum conversion.
All in one place with tracking and marketing automation all-inclusive

Coming soon

Dynamic Content WordPress Plugin

Creating a genuinely dynamic website is about to be a code-free experience. Our WordPress plugin will allow you to create personalized content areas that automatically adjust to every know site visitor. This is already happening on a high level, and soon this will be available to our clients seamlessly.

Powerful Tools

Get Powerful Results

We have earned the top rating with our software partners. We have been working with SharpSpring now for seven years. We have sent hundreds of thousands of emails on behalf of our clients and helped manage over 1,607,000 contacts and over $450,000,000 in gross retail sales.
This tool by far is one of the most powerful additions to any marketing plan. We have seen no less than a 45% increase in closing rates and the sales staff loves what we can do for them. To get a full presentation on how it can work for you, email us, and we will get it going for you.

Digital- Programmatic Display

Can you reach anyone?

We are a fully intergraded programmatic digital agency, geo-fencing, geo-targeting, re-targeting, and perfect audience capabilities, not to mention social media channels and the never-ending pursuit of Google pay per click.

Every campaign needs to embrace the digital world; this audience is mobile, fast to act, and loyal. By combining traditional media and digital media, you open your business to all levels of customers. Almost mandatory these days. Like fishing, you need the right bait in the right spot to cast out your offer.

OUTDOOR- Billboards, signs, wraps

Outdoor make an impression

When you venture out, a few options are still open for you to impact your potential clients. Make an impact; first impressions are sometimes all you have, why not go big!

Radio- Terrestrial, Digital, HD, Satellite

Is anyone listening?

97% of all American’s listen to the radio every day. There is a lot of choices, but if you want to target a lifestyle group or specific market, radio’s reach is unsurpassed. Plus, you can gain legitimacy with top listeners to their favorite programs. Just think you could have your business on Rush Limbaugh show, or Howard Stem, or Jim Rome, all great places to be.

Radio brings “theater of the mind,” along with “closest to the purchase” when people are out and about. It builds strong brand awareness and stimulates other media channels like Google Search and Social Media.

Radio can reach towns, areas, regions, formats, lifestyle groups. Excellent addition to other media channels, plus works well stand-alone over time.

Print- Handout, Magazines, news print

Does anyone read anymore?

YES, they do, and loyal readers can’t get enough of it. You will always see that the highest wealth individuals read every day. If you are looking for the top earners, print is still a robust and viable channel.

In-store, mailers, handouts, our design teams can get your message onto the print. So the “leave behind” is the memorable one.
If you need one, we can do it, if you need 250,000 mailers or flyers, no problem.

Are you hiring?

Powerful Recruitment Platform

With today’s digital world and not much help from the US government, employment and the workforce are scarce. We have developed a robust recruiting platform to put your message in front of the most qualified people who want to work.

We can show you a live demo, just email Scott here.

No limitations!

That is correct, no limitations! Our platform is not limited to how many jobs you want to post or how many recruits you can accept. Plus, it is seamlessly integrated into the pay digital channels. So when you need to add some energy, it is just a click of a button.